ornamento ícones saneamento korin



Provide efficiency in the biotechnological treatment of liquid and solid organic effluents, contributing to a more sustainable planet.

Small and effective.

Formed by a Multifunctional Microbial Core (CMM) that operates in the process of decomposition of liquid and solid organic waste, originating from agro-industrial processes, food industry, animal husbandry and slaughterhouse, cesspools and sewers and accumulated sludge.

Know the benefits.

The microorganisms present in the Embiotic Bioremediator formula decompose organic matter through an intense fermentation process. The result is a safer effluent, allowing compliance with the disposal parameters provided for in environmental legislation.

Why use Embiotic Bioremediator?

  • Reduction of undesirable odors;
  • Reduction of the organic load in the effluent;
  • Reduction of sludge generation;
  • Reduction of turbidity, sedimentable solids (SS) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD);
  • Reduction of pathogens.

Bioremediate, an assertive decision for your business and the environment!

Efficient and sustainable sanitation solution.


Technology that leverages the benefits of Korin technologies.
Embalagens pack Hibana
HIBANA, translated from Japanese means “The Spark of Life” which was inspired by the role of this product in agriculture.
It is a technology developed following the principles of Nature, 100% sustainable.
Developed by the Mokiti Okada Research Center (CPMO) in partnership with Korin Agriculture and Environment.
CPMO results show that HIBANA helps Korin technologies express their maximum performance in the field.
Embalagens pack Hibana

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